Friday, January 31, 2014

Boring Week, Blog #2

It is the second blog and there really is not much to talk about. We pretty much have only had once class because Monday was honestly a waste of time and then we did not have class on Wednesday due to the snow. I would have rather attended class on Monday then do what we did. I know how to use the library and for those who do not, they could go on a little self-adventure for themselves and discover the library. I also enjoyed the story that we had to read for that day also and was pretty upset that we did not have the chance to discuss it. The Chrysanthemums was so much better than the other stories that we had to read this week. I actually understood it. The flower was a symbol of the main character because they are both strong and when you step back and look at them, they are both beautiful. She was sexually frustrated, obviously, because she was going after the tinker guy while her husband was off. But overall, the story was not that bad to read. The other two stories, “Everything That Rises Must Converge” and “Good Country People,” were awful, to say the least. They were extremely boring and I really do not know what even happened in the stories. The only thing I got from the “Converge” story was that a racist, white woman got punched in the face by a big, black woman and then keeled over. I really did not get anything from “Good Country People”. It was rather confusing. Hopefully the discussion today helps out with that. I really hope that next week’s stories do no suck like these did.

**this blog post is pretty irrelevant because I read two of the wrong stories...oops! At least I read! 

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